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All fees are for the beneficiary listed on the application form. Please, add $100 for each additional beneficiary. For example, if you are petitioning for a green card for your husband or wife and 3 children, the total fee will be $450 for the spouse, and $100 for each additional child for a total of $750 (if filing from inside the United States or any of the US territories), or $650 for the spouse, and $150 for each additional child for a total of $1,100 if filing from outside the United States.
Oggolaanshaha Shaqada
Sanad kasta, Mareykanka wuxuu siiyaa fiisooyin shaqo oo xirfadeed kumanaan khubaro ah oo daafaha adduunka ah. Noo soo dir Resume / CV-gaaga, noo sheeg waxa ay tahay xirfaddaada waxaananu kugula barbardhigi doonnaa loo-shaqeeye muujinaya xiisaha aad u qabto.
Fiisooyinka Ardayda
"Markii aan ku soo qaatay dhammaan waxbarashadayda halkan Mareykanka, waxaan si nabadgelyo ah kuugu sheegi karaa in mid ka mid ah maal gashiga ugu wanaagsan ee aad waligaa noloshaada ku sameyn karto uu yahay waxbarasho Mareykan ah - gaar ahaan mid ka mid ah 25-ka Jaamacadood ee ugu sareeya dalka, ama mid kasta oo ka mid ah 10ka barnaamij ee tacliinta gaarka ah ee dalka "
-Mason T. Joshua
(La-Taliyahayaga Socdaalka Sare).
Noo sheeg barnaamijka shahaadada aad xiiseynaysid, waxaanan kuu heli doonnaa iskuul, waxaan kuu diyaarin doonnaa fiisadaada oo waxaan kugu arki doonnaa safarkaaga halkan.
Codsiga Jinsiyadda
Inta badan dadka kaararka Cagaaran ee halkan ku jooga Mareykanka waxay dhameysan doonaan diiwaangelinta dhalashada. Safarkan ayaan kuu fududaynaynaa adiga.
Diyaarinta Wareysiga
Nidaamka wareysiga ee Dhalashada ama Kaarka Cagaaran wuxuu dadka qaarkood ku noqon karaa argagax. Laakiin ha argagixin. Shaqaalaheena ayaa dhamaantood soo maray arintaan, waxaanan kugu hagi doonnaa socodsiin kasta.
Isu-duwaha Qoyska
Ku-kafaalalinta qoyska waa mid ka mid ah nidaamka socdaalka ee qofna uusan qasin, maxaa yeelay cawaaqibtu waxay horseedaan diidmo, daahitaan iyo lacag lumis. Aynu gacanta ku dhigno hanaan kasta oo adiga kuu shaqeeya.
Visiting Visas
Applying from the United States-$450
Applying outside the united States-$650
**Do not believe anyone who tells you that The US no longer issue visiting visas, or that you have to be rich to get a US visiting visa. Disney world in Orlando, Florida, Disney Land in Anaheim, California, Universal Studios, Hollywood, California, Magic Mountains parks all across the United States, Dollywood in Tennessee, Yosemite and Yellow Stone National Parks, New York, Chicago, Seattle, etc., all need visitors each year to survive. Without you the International visitors, these cities, parks and monuments will file for bankruptcy. We urge you to let us handle your US visiting visas, and show you where and when to visit these beautiful places**
Adoption Visas
Applying from the United States-$650
Applying outside the united States-$850
**This is one of our toughest jobs because adoption rules vary from country-to country, but do not panic: We file the applications and stay with your case until it is approved. In some cases, we may send our experienced staff members to help sought things out in the country where you are adopting**
Green Cards
Applying from the United States-$450
Applying outside the united States-$650
**As a non-US born applicant, this is the most important piece of document you will ever have in your possession and as a result, we go the extra mile to make sure you don't mess up the process, by filing and staying with you all the way until it is approved **
Religious/Ministers' Visas
Applying from the United States-$450
Applying outside the united States-$650
**Religious or Ministers' visas are still welcome and accepted by the US government. Let us use our experience in applying for you.
Political Asylum
Applying from the United States-$450
Applying outside the united States-$650
**Political Asylum applications are still welcome and accepted by the US government. Let us use our experience in applying for you.
Passport Application
Applying for a United States Passport-$150
Applying for a foreign passport-$300
**Please, don't forget to add the fees charged by the government to issue the passports.
Extension Of Status
There are lots of rumors going on that visas are difficult to extend once you enter the United States. Nothing can be farther from the truth. America is still a very generous country that is still granting visa extensions to anyone who qualifies.
Applying from the United States-$450
Applying outside the united States-$650
**If you have over-stayed your visa in the United States, do not panic. We file an extension of status for you**
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